Wednesday, October 22, 2008

if i'm gonna be down...

and also:

i wish i lived in california. for a myriad of reasons, but for right now, so i could vote on that proposition. i don't understand why people care who other people marry.

ap says that obama is only up by one point right now. the election is in two weeks, so the fact that the race is getting tighter is to be expected, but it really scares me... if mccain wins i might just move to canada. THEY have universal healthcare. and if he dies in office i'm DEFINITELY moving to canada. i will be a happy little ex-pat.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the guy behind me in the library is reading. out loud. seriously???

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i'm tired. i can't find my criminology book. i have a midterm in that class tomorrow morning. sigh.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

2 months, 5 days

about 2 months before graduation, the political science department posts the candidates for graduation outside the main office. they posted december today. and i'm on it!!!

i knew i would be, but seeing my name up there just made me so happy :) highlight of my day.

Friday, October 10, 2008

i heart disney

i'm aware the next sentence i type is going to make me sound like a loser, but i don't care:

disney is releasing pinocchio on blu-ray next year!!! and THEN snow white, fantasia and beauty and the beast!!!!!!!

i could not be more excited. my disney movie collection is one of the best things i own. although, until today, i didn't know that "platinum edition" actually meant something. i just thought it was like platinum=good. right? nope. only the top selling disney dvds are released in platinum. it started with an original 10 and expands yearly. they now release 2 a year. 101 dalmatians and sleeping beauty came out this year. i'm now only buying new movies in blu ray so sleeping beauty is my first :) hurray!

treasure hunt

i found these bridesmaid's bags today at target on clearance for $5.98. they were super cute! i almost bought them but... i don't know how many bridesmaids i have yet. they had 6 and i think i'll have 6. this might be meant to be.


i shouldn't blog before i've had caffeine

I guess I should explain my last post. France doesn't suck; having to learn everything about the country in a few short days and give a presentation on it sucks. And writing the 10 page paper about it will suck as well.

Didn't VH1 and CMT used to play videos in the mornings? And MTV as well? Shouldn't music channels actually play music every once in a while? No?

I should be getting ready for work.

My stomach hurts.

Scott got one of the new iPod touch players and I'm extremely jealous. Really. I'm usually not into tech-y stuff like that but it's fascinating. I might just hold out for an iPhone though. He said it was his engagement present... I told him I was his engagement present and he laughed. hmmm.

new wedding venue possibility: the ritz in greensboro, ga. scott said ga is a stupid state. mature.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

france sucks.

dreary day :(

ok. it works. and i can see the words now, which i couldn't do before. all is good.

it is a NASTY day outside. we need rain but i don't like it. allie doesn't either. she won't go outside when it rains. diva.

sooo... i used to blog all the time. freshman/sophomore year of college i would blog everything. it was fun until i started getting cyber stalked and kept getting weird comments from weird people. so i stopped. that, and it stopped being fun. then i started a xanga earlier this year, but i lost interest.

BUT. i decided that i needed to blog now. i am currently planning a wedding... and i think i want to remember this! at least i hope i will. there isn't much to say about it at the moment. we have picked a date, and a city (we think) but that's about it. when your wedding is 19 months away, there isn't too much rush to plan. that, and i have been... blessed... with a fiance that has absolutely no interest in the wedding. i'm pretty sure i could suggest getting married in iceland in january and he would keep his eyes firmly focused on his xbox game and say "whatever".

yep. wedding planning has done something for me already. it has made me hate the word "whatever". i hate apathy. but of course, when he does give his opinion we tend to disagree. so i'm not asking him anymore. i'll go with the whatever.

i thought i had found a dress. but i showed my mom and she said "ewwww". so back to the drawing board on that one. i also thought i had found bridesmaids dresses. but scott nixed the idea of a fall wedding. so i have to start over on that one too.

i don't have much else to say. i'm pretty sure the only firm decision that i've made is that i want to use calla lillies for the flowers. they're my favorite.

that's all for now.



testing, one, two