Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm watching the bachelorette. two comments: does anyone else think these guys are uber lame? and i seriously need something better to do than watch reality tv. this one guy just said "i've just got a lot of love to give" and another guy yelled at him that he was a "country singing turd". apparently, this turd has a girlfriend back at home. can she not see his disgusting-ness from a mile away? i can. ugh. i hate swarmy guys like that. major HATE.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

my pants have a hole in them.

what do you do when your life starts to fall apart? not in a complete way, but a piece-by-piece way. how does that even happen? one day you're just trucking along, not ecstatically happy but content, then ouch- you get hit by the truck. the impact isn't the greatest feeling in the world.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

the weekend has ended :(

this weekend was fun! went downtown friday night, saw friends saturday night :) i hadn't been out in a whileeee.

my cousin (mom's sister's daughter) had a baby boy this morning. he is hooked up to lots of machines because he is 12 weeks premature. i hope he's going to be ok! on top of that, my other cousin (her brother) just found out that he has cancer. he's only 27. i am so sad that this can happen. he had surgery last week but it had already spread to his chest and brain so now he has to undergo 4 rounds of chemo. :(

Thursday, May 14, 2009


insomnia has returned. OH joy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nine things about myself.
9. I watch Days of Our Lives every. single. day. I have since I can remember.
8. I am not a fan of washing my hair. I straighten it so that I can go days without shampoo.
7. I loveeee Disney World.
6. I don't like planes but I love going places.
5. I want to write a book. A real book that will be published.
4. People that tailgate on the highway are very, very high on my list of pet peeves.
3. I kinda want a tattoo. But I'm scared of needles.
2. I've been engaged for eight months and a day and I have made no wedding plans. It is complicated.
1. DVR = life

Eight ways to win my heart
8. Jelly beans
7. Pay attention - I hate repeating myself
6. Make me laugh
5. Reese's cups
4. Be challenging
3. Take me to Disney World
2. Snickerdoodle cookies
1. Be supportive

Seven things that cross my mind a lot.
7. I should go to the gym
6. I want a new handbag
5. I want a new book
4. I need a job
3. I should do laundry
2. Where is my phone?
1. I'm hungry

Six things I do before I fall asleep
6. Wash my face
5. Brush my teeth.
4. Floss
3. Put my phone on silent
2. Watch Chelsea Lately
1. Kiss Scott goodnight

Five people who mean a lot. (in no order whatsoever)
5. parents
4. Scott
3. Lauren
2. Caralee
1. melanie

Four things you're wearing right now.
4. t-shirt
3. shorts
2. sports bra
1. underwear

Three songs that you listen to often.
3. Warehouse
2. Sister
1. When the Sun Goes Down in GA

Two things you want to do before you die.
2. Travel
1. Make a difference

One confession.
1. I watch wayyyy too much TV

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It is raininggggg so very hard outside. Scott is out playing golf. Although I'm not sure how well that worked out for him. So... the job interview last week went well (I thought) but they haven't called me yet :( I don't understand! I had to do an assessment test and it went really well. They told me that it did. They were doing second interviews, I thought I did well enough to at least get called back for that. depressed :(

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Guess who might be getting a j-o-b??? ME! Hurray! I got a call from someone on Friday saying that they wanted to talk to me more about my application. finally. I've been out of school for a tad over 4 months and slowly going crazy.

We are allllmost done moving into our new apartment. Our third one in 3 years. We have been living together forEVER. It's weird. I will not move again unless a. someone moves everything for me or b. we are moving into a house. Preferably both, but you can't have everything...

Monday, April 13, 2009

i hate that i am such a waste on my first day off. i almost always work 5 days and then have 2 days off. and the first day... i am a waste. especially when it's raining outside. although... i have packed a box and a half today and i've done some laundry. maybe i'm not a complete waste...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

oooh man. there are 6 boxes sitting in my dining room right now. i think they're all looking at me. they want me to put things in them. i have little to no motivation to do that. i keep thinking i will need these things in the next two weeks. yes, i'm sure i'll need every purse and belt. and all the clothes in my other dresser that i never, ever wear. i'm sure.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Scott and I are leaving for Florida in TWELVE DAYS!! I am excited. I loveeee Florida and I loveee vacations. Who doesn't? When Scott and I drive far away places, we give each other "100 mile" presents to make it more fun :) Unfortunately, I am at a loss for ideas. I've bought him a cute tee from Target so far but I'm kinda out of ideas. hmmm...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the bachelor


It's hard to feel TOO sad for any of these people because they chose to go on a reality show to find love and well, that's stupid. There is a reason that these things don't work out- you don't fall in "love", you fall in love with the experience. If someone took me on helicopter rides everyday and then took me to New Zealand I would probably fall in love with them too! But anyway... I do feel bad for Melissa. Surprise, your fiance loves someone else! Surprise, he's wanted her for the past 6 weeks! Surprise, this is all on national TV! Cheers! Ugh. I'm ready for these people to go away. He sucks.

i need an intervention.

So anyone that knows me knows that I'm not really a shopper. Working at the mall for a year will DEFINITELY turn you off to retail. 90% of the clothes that I buy come from Target, because I love Target and their clothes are great. So can someone please explain my recent obsession with buying new clothes?! In the past five days, I've bought a Michael Kors jacket, a Max Studio dress and another dress from Target that I bought on impulse because it had pockets (I will buy anything with pockets. I hope I never find a wedding dress that has them). helpppp meeeee.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

nappy nap

It is 5:00. I always want to take a nap between 4 and 6. College habits die hard. mmm sleep...

Monday, February 23, 2009

My fiance just said "I'm pretty good with a sniper rifle."

In video game world, of course. wtf?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

so i'm back.

i forgot about my blog for the past 2-ish months. my bad. i've been looking(ish) for a job and working at my current (much-hated) job. finding a job is hard! having no apparent skills and a degree that isn't very specific are not helpful things. i want the economy to get better now- k, thanks. unfortunately, most say that this will probably last for another year or so. great! just in time for my wedding.

scott and i are thinking of eloping to hawaii. thoughts?